Syria refuses to confirm rumours of Russian military build-up

US says temporary housing units at airfield could take up to 1,000 Russian personnel

Syrian officials have refused to confirm reports of an enhanced Russian military build-up in the country, over which the US has expressed concern to Moscow. Damascus insists, however, that Russia remains a loyal and supportive ally.

Media reports on Friday quoted Obama administration officials as saying Russia had sent a military advance team to Syria, as well as sending prefabricated housing units for hundreds of people to an airfield near Latakia, which the officials said also received a portable air traffic control station.

US officials said the temporary housing suggested Russia could deploy up to 1,000 advisers or other military personnel to the airfield, which is near the ancestral home of the ruling Assad family, the New York Times reported.

In a telephone conversation on Saturday, Secretary of State John Kerry told his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, of his concern.



“The secretary made clear that if such reports were accurate, these actions could further escalate the conflict, lead to greater loss of innocent life, increase refugee flows and risk confrontation with the [anti-Islamic State] coalition operating in Syria ,” the

State Department


Mr Kerry and Mr Lavrov agreed that discussions on Syria would continue this month in New York, where the United Nations general assembly meets.

The Los Angeles Times reported that US intelligence has gathered evidence of possible military housing from satellite reconnaissance photos.

Russia has backed Assad to the hilt since the start of the country's bloody civil war in March 2011. Following a flurry of international diplomatic activity that suggested a possible shift in that position, President Bashar al-Assad said in a recent interview that Vladimir Putin was standing by the Syrian government.

Mr Assad is understood not to have commented on the issue when he met Russian journalists in Damascus yesterday – though their interviews were not immediately published.

At loggerheads

The US and Russia have been at loggerheads over Syria. Russia has supported Mr Assad, while the US advocates a political transition to end his rule while backing armed opposition groups.

A US security source said the US would be watching to see whether any increased Russian might in Syria will be used to push back the Islamic State or to bolster Assad.

The US statement appears at odds with recent hopes for greater co-operation between Washington and Moscow over the Syrian crisis. Western diplomats believe that in the wake of July's landmark nuclear agreement with Iran – Assad's most important regional ally – Kerry is now ready to focus far more closely on Syria. Russia has also held talks with Saudi Arabia, a key backer of the anti-Assad opposition.

The view in London and other European capitals is that there are new prospects for diplomacy, both because of the attention being paid to the refugee crisis, and because Russia is concerned by the increasingly prominent role being played by Iran in Syria. – (Additional reporting: Reuters)